
Seminar Papers: 1906–2006 From the Trade Disputes Act to a Trade Union Freedom Bill

Speakers’ papers from the consultative conference
1906–2006 From the Trade Disputes Act to a Trade Union Freedom Bill

Wednesday 10 May 2006

At this conference specialists outlined their research, shared their analysis of events and highlighted how their findings can shape trade union calls for a new Trade Union Freedom Bill. We considered the latest draft of a proposed Bill and discussed how best to ensure that trade unions and their members can once again enjoy the freedoms they need to ensure fairness at work.

TUPE regulations 2006: Clarification or Confusion?

12/03/2008 13:30
12/03/2008 16:15

TUPE regulations 2006: Clarification or Confusion?
A seminar
Wednesday 12th March 2008
at the UCU Conference Centre,
Britannia Street, London WC1
organised by
The Institute of Employment Rights

About the seminar
The Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations, known as TUPE, govern how workers are treated following the transfer of a business or a change in service

The Quality of Working Life: Promoting a Healthy Agenda

06/02/2008 09:30
06/02/2008 16:30

6th February 2008
at the UCU Conference Centre,
Britannia Street, London WC1
Organised by
The Institute of Employment Rights

About the conference
In August 2007, following an explosion which killed nine people, ICL Plastics were fined a mere £400,000 for health and safety breaches. Such a penalty graphically demonstrates how negligent companies can cut costs at the expense of workers’ lives without fear of
adequate financial and other legal consequences.

What Future for Occupational Pensions?

17/01/2008 13:30
17/01/2008 16:15

What Future for Occupational Pensions?
Thursday 17th January 2008
at the UCU Conference Centre,
Britannia Street, London WC1
organised by
The Institute of Employment Rights

An analysis of the annual reports of the top 100 UK companies and their boardroom pensions shows that while the average executive retires aged 60 on a final salary pension worth over £3 million a year, Britain’s workers are expected to work till they drop.

Update on Equality Law: Are we catching up?

05/12/2007 09:30
05/12/2007 16:15

a conference
Wednesday 5 December 2007
at the UCU Conference Centre,
Britannia Street,
London WC1
organised by
The Institute of Employment Rights

While we have traveled a long way in terms of equalities legislation in recent years, the complexity of discrimination legislation still makes it very difficult to tackle the deep-set
issues of inequality in the workplace.

In the past 10 years alone, we have upgraded maternity and paternity leave, introduced regulations on sexual orientation, age and religion and belief and focused on gender equality, disability and race equality duties. Yet women are still paid less than men,
disabled people are twice as likely to be unemployed and a ‘sticky floor’ exists for ethnic minorities in terms of advancement in the workplace.

European Employment Law

10/01/2008 11:00
10/01/2008 16:15

European Employment Law at a Crossroads
A Top Level Briefing
Thursday 10th January 2008
11.00am- 4.15pm
at the UCU Conference Centre,
Britannia Street, London WC1
organised by
The Institute of Employment Rights

About the Briefing
Once again Europe is at the centre of political debate, a debate that could have profound effects on employment rights and trade union freedoms.

Central to the debate are three issues:

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