
Review: TUPE Regulations: Clarification or Confusion?

Speakers’ papers from
TUPE Regulations 2006: Clarification or Confusion?
a seminar
Wednesday 12th March, 2008

You can also buy the Institute’s publication on
Providing a service? the new TUPE Regulations 2006

by Stephen Cavalier and Richard Arthur of Thompsons Solicitors

Globalisation: The Fightback

19/04/2008 09:30
19/04/2008 16:00

Globalisation: The Fightback
Globalisation: The Fightback

Following the success of last year’s June event, the Morning Star is to host a major labour movement delegate Conference, at the Mander Hall, Hamilton House, Mabledon Place, London WC1H 9BD

There will be morning and afternoon plenary sessions. There will also be afternoon workshops, one of which will be hosted by the Institute and other guest organisations, as follows:

TUC Women's Conference Fringe

13/03/2008 17:30
13/03/2008 19:30

Delegates and visitors to the Women’s TUC conference in Eastbourne are invited to attend a fringe meeting organised by The Morning Star and UNITE the union, to take place in the T&G Centre, Grand Parade, Eastbourne BN21 4DN.

The fringe wiill call for a campaign for:

  • End to child poverty
  • Equal pay
  • Protection for agency and temporary workers


  • Siobhan Endean, Unite (AMICUS)
  • Lorene Fabian, Chair Women’s TUC
  • Anita Halpin, NUJ
  • Dianna Holland, Unite (T&G)
  • Carolyn Jones, IER

Agency Workers: Social Justice Long Overdue

21/04/2008 13:30
21/04/2008 16:15

Agency Workers: Social Justice Long Overdue
A Seminar
Monday 21st April 2008
1:30- 4:15pm
at the UCU Conference Centre,
Britannia Street, London WC1
organised by
The Institute of Employment Rights

About the seminar

When Andrew Miller’s Temporary and Agency Workers (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) passed its second reading in the House of Commons on 22nd February the long promised and much needed statutory protection for agency workers came a step closer.

Review: The Quality of Working Life: Promoting a Healthy Agenda

Speakers’ papers from
The Quality of Working Life: Promoting a Healthy Agenda
a conference
Wednesday 6th February, 2008

Link to the Institute’s Publication
Regulating Health and Safety at Work: An Agenda for Change?
by Phil James and David Walters

Link to the Institute’s Submission to the Dame Carol Black Review of the Health of Britain’s Working Age Population

TUC Fringe Meeting- Trade Union Freedoms: Where Next?

08/09/2008 17:30
08/09/2008 19:30

Against the Backdrop of recent hostile decisions in the European Court of Justice, what national and international steps can unions take to promote fair rights and free unions?

Join us for our annual Fringe Meeting at TUC Congress in Brighton

5:30PM or end of afternoon session

Meeting Room 1 Hall B West, Brighton Centre

Chaired by John Hendy, QC, Chair, IER

  • Speakers include:
    1. Tony Benn, Vice President, United Campaign
    2. Christine Blower, Acting Gen Sec NUT
    3. Brian Caton, Gen Sec POA,
    4. Bob Crow, Gen Sec RMT and United Campaign Chair

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