
Check-off ban unlawful, High Court rules

20 May 2016

The Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS) has won a case against the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) after the government scrapped check-off for civil service workers.

IER report: Repeal of Human Rights Act will undermine whistleblowers

13 May 2016

Whistleblowers will lose the protection of Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights - the Right to Expression - if the UK government repeals the Human Rights Act.

Amount of money owed to workers more than tripled last year

13 May 2016

There was a substantial increase in reports of employers not paying National Minimum Wage in 2015-16, according to a new report from the National Audit Office.

Most senior civil servants forced to work unpaid

13 May 2016

An unsustainable long-hours culture is emerging among senior civil servants, demonstrating how government policy has worsened working conditions in the sector it uses as its “guinea pig” for reform.

Universal Credit means more stress, less training, and surveillance, research shows

13 May 2016

New research from the University of York into the recent Universal Credit (UC) pilot has found the benefit regime has a negative impact on claimants and does not succeed at helping people increase their income.

Committee warns against “unnecessary” British Bill of Rights

09 May 2016

The House of Lords’ EU Justice Committee today (09 May 2016) published a report on its inquiry into the government’s plans for a British Bill of Rights, warning that there is little justification for the change and that it poses a risk to the British constitution.

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