
RMT v United Kingdom: Sympathy Strikes and the European Court of Human Rights

24 April 2014

In RMT v United Kingdom the European Court of Human Rights held that the ban on secondary action in the United Kingdom was a justified interference with the right to freedom of association in Article 11 of the ECHR.

Does the judgment in RMT v UK 'represents nothing short of an appeasement by the ECtHR of the UK government’s threats to withdraw from European Convention and its repeated attacks on the ECtHR'?

Here the lawyers in the case, John Hendy, QC and Michael Ford QC, provide a summary of the main findings.

Tony Benn

14 March 2014

The Institute pays tribute to Tony Benn.

Blacklist the blacklisters!

14 March 2014

The Scottish affairs committee has said that any construction firms that blacklist or have not made appropriate amends for past blacklisting should be denied public contracts.

Government to consult Parental Leave Regulations draft

14 March 2014

The government has decided to consult the draft, Shared Parental Leave Regulations. This draft will allow parents to share the leave after the birth of a baby in whichever proportions they see fit.

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