
Gove perpetuates predictable anti-union sentiment

04 October 2013

Education Secretary Michael Gove is hardly a friend of the unions, having made attacks on teaching unions NUT and NASUWT plenty of times before. At the Conservative Party Conference this week he persisted with his anti-worker ideology.

Advocate General of the ECJ says intended mothers of surrogate children should receive maternity rights

04 October 2013

Advocate General of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) Juliane Kokott has agreed with a case brought by public sector union Unison stating that the intended mothers of children born through surrogacy should receive the same maternity rights as women who are able to give birth to their own children.

Day of action announced to campaign against blacklisting practices in the UK

04 October 2013

The TUC has announced a day of action next month to protest against blacklisting practices and the companies which used them to lock out trade unionists from the construction industry.

Employment law changes this week: cuts to health and safety and equality law, and more dreary pay for the UK's poorest

03 October 2013

October is one of the times of year the government brings in a slew of reforms and new laws, so this week employment law has seen a number of changes.

UN derecognises all trade unions

25 September 2013

The United Nations (UN) has taken the extraordinary measure of derecognising trade unions.

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