
VIDEO: Professor Ruth Dukes on equal pay for work of equal value

26 October 2018

Ruth Dukes, Professor of Labour Law at Glasgow University, spoke at a 8,000-strong strike of female council workers in Glasgow this week, explaining how current equal pay for work of equal value laws had let them down and recommending how the law can be changed.

One in four care workers have no time to bathe service users, shocking new research finds

Friday 26 October

Over a quarter of care workers are not able to provide for the basic needs of service users because they are not given the time to do so, devastating new research has revealed.

Labour vows to help asylum seekers avoid modern slavery by allowing them to work legally

25 October 2018

Shadow Home Secretary Diane Abbott has pledged to allow asylum seekers to work legally in the UK in order to help them avoid black economy abuses like modern slavery.

NDA consultation to be brought forward after "leading businessman" covers up allegations of abuse

25 October 2018

Prime Minister Theresa May has told the House of Commons that her government will bring forward a consultation into non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) and their use by employers after the Telegraph reported that a "leading businessman" had paid off employees accusing him of sexual and racial harassment in return for their silence.

Govt removed oversight of Carillion projects from independent watchdog, report says

19 October 2018

The Department of Health, under the watch of Jeremy Hunt, removed oversight of Carillion's health construction projects away from an independent watchdog set up to monitor the stability of expensive public projects.

Glasgow strikers could be "an inspiration" to women across Europe

19 October 2018

Trade unionists across Europe have been urged to send messages of support to the 8,000 female workers planning to strike in Glasgow early next week, as a victory for the Scottish women could be "an inspiration" to millions of others.

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