
Official report criticises govt's management of UK's largest rail franchise

12 January 2018

The National Audit Office (NAO) this week published its report into the management of the UK's largest rail franchise, criticising the Department for Transport's (DfT) strategy as contributing to a trend of worsening performance.

Lords discuss "valuable" IER report on collective bargaining in social care

10 January 2018

The House of Lords discussed the Institute of Employment Rights' report 8 Good Reasons Why Adult Social Care Needs Sectoral Collective Bargaining during a debate on the human rights of older people.

Gender pay gap reports show men earn up to 65% more

08 January 2018

Over 500 companies have reported on gender pay discrepancies, and the data shows a significant gap remains between the wages female and male staff receive.

Brexit Trade Bill 'includes sweeping powers to erode human rights'

08 January 2018

The Trade Bill – part of a raft of legislation triggered by the UK's decision to leave the EU – will have its second reading in the House of Commons today and tomorrow, and it gives the government sweeping powers that could be used to erode human rights.

While we were away....all the news you may have missed over the Christmas break

05 January 2018

Happy New Year to all our readers! This special news brief provides a round-up of all the news and developments that have occurred since our last pre-Christmas mailing.

For an update on employment law developments throughout 2017, don't miss out on our Employment Law Update conference on Thursday 18 January in Liverpool, which is now only £50 to attend. Keep an eye out, too, for our Labour Law Highlights 2017 publication which will be hot off the press later this month.

New report recommends public inquiry into blacklisting scandal & criminal sanctions for blacklisters

14 December 2017

A new report published by independent think tank the Institute of Employment Rights recommends a public inquiry is conducted into the blacklisting scandal, and sets out a Manifesto Against Blacklisting, proposing changes to the law, including criminal sanctions for employers operating blacklists. 

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