
Govt review into employment status and workers' rights finally surfaces

13 February 2017

In October 2014, then Business Secretary Vince Cable launched a review into employment statuses, noting an increase in precarious work. The review he commissioned was completed in December 2015 but was only published last week.

Real wages face further squeeze: Bank of England

09 February 2017

Real wages, which have already fallen by 10.4% since 2007, are facing further squeezes, according to new projections from the Bank of England.

27% more people in insecure work since 2011, study shows

07 February 2017

The number of people in roles that provide no guaranteed hours of fundamental working rights has jumped by 27% in the last five years.

Race to the bottom after Brexit is 'very real fear', says Fawcett Society

03 February 2017

Britain could be pressured into becoming a low-regulation economy with much weaker workers' rights if action is not taken to protect and build on current employment law.

If govt wants older people to stay in work, it needs to improve their rights

03 February 2017

The government yesterday announced a new strategy to "encourage the over 50s to reap the benefits of work" – a phrasing that seems to place responsibility on the unemployed for their own bad luck – at a time when it is systematically undermining the very mechanisms that could help older workers fight for their rights.

Sport Direct-style exploitation revealed in yet another high street retailer

02 February 2017

Exploitative conditions have been found at yet another high street retailer - BooHoo - after a Channel 4 Dispatches investigation sent an undercover reporter into the retailer's warehouse.

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