NW: Equalities - A Changing Workplace?

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 10/05/2011 - 10:20
10/05/2011 09:30

Tuesday 10 May 2011

A one day conference
Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool

About the Conference

The Equal Pay Act is 40 years old this year, and although the pay gap between men and women has narrowed over the years, there are still significant pay inequalities. Based on the findings of the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings, the National Statistics website gives the gender pay gap for all employees, in 2010, as 19.8%. Which means that on average, women still earn nearly one-fifth less than men.

For a while it looked as if the Equality Act might help address the gender pay gap, through the new duty on large companies to publish gender pay audits. But the Con-Dem government recently scrapped this measure, relying instead on companies to undertake pay audits voluntarily.

The majority of the provisions of the Equality Act that bring together previously disparate legislation on age, disability, gender, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion and belief, and sexual orientation came into force in October 2010. However some elements were not due to come into effect until April 2011, and the government is now threatening to abandon some of the more progressive clauses of the act prior to enforcement date.

The conference brings leading equality campaigners together with experts from the law, trade unions, academia, and the Equality and Human Rights Commission to offer delegates an informed and sympathetic understanding of the Equality Act.


£75 Subscribers and members
£90 trade unions
£220 Commercial


Adelphi Hotel
Ranelagh Place
L3 5UL

Additional Information

Click here for information on how to book, who should attend, how to get there and CPD, NPP and EPP Accreditation


If you missed this you can find copies of the seminar papers for this event here


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