Decoding Some New Developments in Labour Standards Enforcement

Submitted by treena on Mon, 01/11/2004 - 15:10

by Steve Gibbons

Published in November 2004

This publication looks at the range of initiatives aimed at promoting global labour standards in the global marketplace. The author first outlines the regulatory controls developed by international organisations such as the OECD, the ILO and the United Nations. He goes on to examine the growth in “voluntary” initiatives such as company codes of conduct and a new concept known as “ratcheting labour standards”.

In this context he critically analysises the idea that reputation-sensitive transnationals are willing to promote good labour standards in an effort to capture ethically sensitive customers. Rather the author looks to the development of global framework agreements as the best way of protecting and promoting workers’ rights. Such agreements are negotiated, monitored and enforced by collective agreement between international trade union organisations and transnational enterprises, offering as the author says, substantial advantages for workers.

A5; 44pp; ISBN 1 9547562 1 5;

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