David Whyte
Don’t believe the (business) hype
31 July 2015
By David Whyte, Professor of socio-legal studies, University of Liverpool.
If there is one thing that business organisations are particular good at, it is deceiving us into thinking that they are indispensible to a healthy and developed society. But the social contributions that businesses make are always surrounded by propaganda claims and myths that are swallowed too easily by politicians and repeated ad nauseum in the press.
Corporate Homicide Bill
6 March 2015
By Professor Steve Tombs, Open University and Professor David Whyte, Liverpool University
Steve Tombs and David Whyte analyse Richard Baker MSP’s new draft Bill for the Scottish parliament and consider whether it could be a model for reform across the UK.
The Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act (“CMCHA”), rolled out across the UK seven years ago to radically improve accountability for corporate killing, has so far failed dismally to improve accountability for deaths at work.
It has taken the sale of horse-burgers at Tescos to at last hear some good sense from Labour on the question of business regulation.
23 January 2013
By David Whyte
The foundations of today's deregulation nightmare were laid by Labour
Regulation Races to the Bottom
16 May 2012
How does the coalition continue to get away with peddling such nonsense? David Whyte and Steve Tombs explore.
Every day 60 people die due to work - Health and Safety laws matter
18 October 2010
Steve Tombs and David Whyte
The authors of a new IER book, Regulatory Surrender: death, injury and the non-enforcement of law reject Lord Young’s health and safety proposals, noting they are based on little more than media myths.
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