David Whyte

David Whyte

David Whyte
David Whyte

David Whyte

David Whyte is a Reader in Sociology at the University of Liverpool. He has written several books on health and safety law for the IER

Thomas Cook staff: The latest victims of a bankrupt corporate model

27 September 2019

By Professor David Whyte, University of Liverpool

Outsourcing on the ‘never-never’

14 January 2019

By Professor David Whyte and Ben Crawford, University of Liverpool

In the first report from a collaborative project between the Institute of Employment Rights and the University of Liverpool - Employment Rights and the Shareholder: Workers Rights vs Owners Rights - Professor David Whyte and PhD student Ben Crawford explain how and why the UK's privatisation model is falling apart.

Two neoliberal infernos: Grenfell, and Piper Alpha 30 years on

06 July 2018

By David Whyte, University of Liverpool

Thirty years ago today the Piper Alpha oil platform exploded and was engulfed in flames killing 167 people. Only 61 survived in in what remains the world’s worst offshore disaster.

This is how we can properly protect the health and safety of workers

26 May 2017

By Phil James, Professor of Employment Relations at Middlesex University; David Walters, Professor of Work Environment at Cardiff University; Steve Tombs, Professor of Criminology at the Open University; and David Whyte, Professor of Socio-legal Studies at the University of Liverpool

Too many workers and their families suffer from the failure of their employing organisations to provide safe and healthy working conditions. Injuries, acute and chronic ill-health and death occur all too frequently, also generating emotional and financial costs. Yet employing organisations are rarely held accountable for these outcomes. In fact, most of the associated costs are borne by those harmed and their families, and the taxpayer through the costs of paying benefits and providing health care.

British people on corruption in their own country: it’s far from squeaky clean

19 May 2016

By David Whyte and David Ellis, University of Liverpool

On the eve of a major international anti-corruption summit hosted by the British government, the prime minister, David Cameron, was caught on a microphone bragging to the Queen that “we’ve got some leaders of some fantastically corrupt countries coming”, including “Nigeria and Afghanistan, possibly the two most corrupt countries in the world”.

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