trade union bill

The so-called “party of workers” shows its true colours today

01 March 2017

By Sarah Glenister, National Development Officer, Institute of Employment Rights

On taking the mantle of Prime Minister last year, Theresa May attempted to rebrand the Tories the “party of workers”. The outcome of the referendum had been widely interpreted as a battlecry from a much maligned working class. Meanwhile, a rising tide of exposes in the national press had horrified a nation by revealing Dickensian conditions at major employers like Sports Direct and Amazon.

Trade Union Act should be reviewed, says human rights report

03 October 2016

A report submitted to the United Nations' Universal Periodic Review of the UK by the British Institute of Human Rights (NIHR) has recommended that the Trade Union Act be reviewed.

A nasty Bill turned into a nasty Act

06 May 2016

By Carolyn Jones, Director, Institute of Employment Rights

The Trade Union Bill has now passed through its Parliamentary stages, receiving Royal Assent on Wednesday 04 May – ironically, the 90th anniversary of the 1926 General Strike.

Select Committee's recommendations on Trade Union Bill don't go far enough

04 March 2016

By Keith Ewing, President of the IER

Clause 10 of the Trade Union Bill contains a pernicious and vindictive attack on trade union political freedom.

We can't allow the Tories to arrogantly flout international law

18 February 2016

By Carolyn Jones, Director, Institute of Employment Rights

It’s official! The Trade Union Bill currently being rushed through Parliament by the Conservative Government is in breach of international labour standards. So says the latest report to be published by the ILO Committee of Experts in February 2016.

Kill the Bill and beyond – NUT Mander Hall 11th February 2016

17 February 2016

James Harrison, IER

On 11 February 2016, the IER, Campaign for Trade Union Freedom, People's Assembly, Class and the Trade Union Coordinating Group held their second joint rally, bringing together representatives of the host organisations to oppose the Trade Union Bill.

Below our blogger for the night, James Harrison, provides a report on the contributions from the platform and from the audience. While Sarah Glenister has produced a storify of some of the social media activity around the event.



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