trade union bill

Trade Union Bill in Public Committee

20 October 2015

By Jo Stevens, Labour MP for Cardiff Central

Last Tuesday marked the beginning of the committee stage of the Trade Union Bill, which I have been selected to sit on. After the second reading debate of the bill before conference over a month ago, this was round two in our fight of the battle of arguments against the Tories in the House of Commons. We were ready.

Pre-Strike Ballots and the Trade Union Bill 2015: Denying Workers the Right to Strike?

8 September 2015

By Alan Bogg, Ruth Dukes and Tonia Novitz

The Government’s indecently short consultation procedure on the important issues of restricting the right to strike, using agency workers as strike-breakers and curtailing the freedom and civil liberties of working people to publicly protest ends tomorrow (9 September 2015). The IER will be responding to each consultation as best we can given the restrictive nature of the questions and the inadequate response forms. Here we offer a critique of the Government’s proposals on strike ballot thresholds.

Truckers, public safety and the government's duty of care

3 August 2015

By Andrew Moretta, World of Work PhD student, Liverpool University

Truck drivers are highly skilled professionals. A moment’s inattention when driving a 26 ton vehicle can have catastrophic consequences. Despite this, general haulage drivers are very badly paid – many are on the minimum wage and many more are required to work extraordinarily long hours. Twelve to fifteen hour days, five to six days a week are the norm in a great many firms.

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