Article 4: Prohibition of slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labour
31 October 2014
By Virginia Mantouvalou, Reader in Human Rights and Labour Law and Co-Director of the Institute of Human Rights; UCL, Faculty of Laws
Whose recovery is it?
3 October 2014
By Rae Delanie Passfield
Income inequality in the UK is one of the worst in the developed world. With the five richest families holding more wealth than the bottom 20 per cent of the entire population, it is unsurprising people are so frustrated with the system.
Labour Party conference, joint fringe by IER and Campaign for Trade Union Freedom.
24 September 2014
Tony Burke, Assistant General Secretary of UNITE and Chair of the Campaign for Trade Unions Freedom
Speaking at the joint fringe by IER and Campaign for Trade Union Freedom at the Labour Party conference, Tony Burke outlined his fears about TTIP, the abandoned Carr report and what unions want to see from a Labour Government.
Latest ET Statistics Confirm Loss of Access to Justice for Workers
17th September 2014
By Prof Nicole Busby from the Law School, University of Strathclyde
If we needed further proof that the Coalition’s policy of charging claimants to bring cases to the ET posed a serious threat to access to justice in employment disputes, the latest ET statistics published by the Ministry of Justice (MOJ) provide it.
A new settlement for workers - IER / CFTUF fringe at TUC Congress
09 September 2014
By Jennie Formby, Unite political director
The first fringe meeting of this year’s TUC Congress on trade union freedom organised by the Institute of Employment Rights and the Campaign for Trade Union Freedom, was packed.