
Pensions – it’s the Lamborghini question

24 April 2014

By Neil Duncan-Jordan, National Officer of the National Pensioners Convention

Who would have thought it? Pensions are making the headlines. The Chancellor’s announcement in the recent Budget more or less called time on the flawed annuity market with the idea that future retirees will be able to cash in their pension pots and spend, spend, spend.

Miners strike – the impact 30 years on

31st March 2014

Roger Jeary, Former Director of Research at Unite the Union

I find it hard to believe that 30 years have passed since the commencement of the 1984/85 miners’ strike. The meetings, the rallies and the collections are still quite vivid in my mind. And of course the violence both direct and indirect meted out by government and police and portrayed daily on the news media.

ET Fees claim to be appealed by UNISON

4 April 2014

By Shantha David, UNISON Legal Services

UNISON is applying to the Court of Appeal for permission to appeal the High Court's decision rejecting UNISON's claim for Judicial Review of the decision to introduce tribunal fees.

Access to Justice: employment tribunals at a crossroad

Wednesday 19 March 2014

A one-day conference

UNISON centre, 130 Euston Road, London NW1.

Following the introduction of far-reaching changes to employment tribunals practice and procedures, this timely IER event provided information and analysis of changes to dispute resolution and access to justice.

Review: Bolivarian Venezuela: sustained progress for workers' rights by Francisco Dominguez and Sian Errington

14 March 2014

By Adrian Weir, Assistant Secretary, Campaign for Trade Union Freedom

It’s time for a collective bargaining renaissance

14 March 2014

By John Earls, research section head at Unite the Union

This article first appeared on Left Foot Forward

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