
Latest comments on the third reading of the Mesothelioma Bill

08 January 2014

By Jamie Hanley, partner at Pattinson & Brewer and Labour’s parliamentary candidate for his home seat of Pudsey

On January 07, Parliament considered the third reading of the Mesothelioma Bill and so I thought it would be appropriate to update on my last comment, which coincided with the second reading of the Bill.

Austerity and the pink pound: gaining an in-depth understanding

08 January 2014

By Carola Towle, UNISON national officer, LGBT equality

2014 grinds into gear. The first full week starts with George Osborne promising a further £25bn of cuts to public services if the Tories are re-elected, saying the job was "not even half done".

Consultation on European Human Rights System

08 January 2014

By Dan Blackburn, Director of the International Center for Trade Union Rights (ICTUR) and Editor of International Union Rights journal.

The Council of Europe has launched a consultation on the future of the European human rights system. No-one should be under any illusions as to where this is coming from.

Australian Gagging Law thrown out by High Court

07 January 2014

By Tim Ayres, General Secretary, Australian Manufacturing Workers Union

and Keith Ewing, Institute of Employment Rights

One hot EU potato. Fresh proposals for the Posted Workers’ Directive.

07 January 2014

By LJB Hayes, Cardiff University

A view on how the govt could stop employers abusing zero-hours contracts

20 December 2013

By Roger Jeary

So Dr Cable wants to stop employers abusing workers through zero-hours contracts and he is consulting the public about how best to do this. Let me offer some suggestions.

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