
Scotland's Future: strengthening workers' rights north of the border?

12 December 2013

By Ruth Dukes, Senior Lecturer in Employment Law at the University of Glasgow

Ruth Dukes analyses the proposals made in the Scottish Government's white paper for independence, including employment law policies that mark a different approach to workers' rights and the economy to Westminster.

Equality experts: Coalition cuts could be the death of equality

11 December 2013

By Nerys Owen, the Labour Research Department

Equality experts at the latest IER Equality and Discrimination conference criticised the Coalition's actions in the domain, suggesting the government is dragging its feet in some important areas, and actively killing equality law through multiple cuts in others.

MPs should enter parliament for their principles, not for a pay rise

11 December 2013

By Roger Jeary

Earlier this year I blogged on this site some views on what was then speculation as to the level of MPs' pay rise that the independent pay review body would come up with. The speculation has turned to reality and this week the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (IPSA) recommended that MPs' salaries should increase by 11% to £74,000 per annum. IPSA also advised that this increase be countered by reductions in some expenses, reducing pension costs and cutting the resettlement amount that retiring or deselected politicians receive.

How the UK can escape becoming the "nasty country" of the EU

29 November 2013

By Sarah Glenister

László Andor, the EU employment commissioner, has warned the UK that new restrictions against migrants could see it portrayed as the "nasty country" of the EU. The Institute of Employment Rights (IER) recently conducted extensive research into labour migration and how the problems surrounding immigration can be resolved in a way that benefits all. But while the IER strongly recommends a "rights-based" model, the government continues to court controversy with plans for restrictions that aim to resolve an issue that does not exist.

Immigration - what the left needs to know

21 November 2013

By Roger Jeary

The Institute of Employment Rights (IER) yesterday (20 November 2013) held a conference on Labour Migration in Hard Times - an issue we firmly believe must become a talking point for trade unions and the left. Regular delegate and IER blogger Roger Jeary was on hand to report on the day's presentations and debates.

Young workers should be paid at least the minimum wage (govt says while encouraging unpaid work experience for 23-year-olds)

14 November 2013

Sarah Glenister, IER Staff

The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills at first appeared to be in a state of ideological confusion this week, as it called for internships to always be paid at least the National Minimum Wage (NMW) while simultaneously encouraging the use of unpaid work experience schemes for people up to the age of 23.

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