Now the National Minimum Wage is under attack
05 April 2013
By Roger Jeary
A suspicious instruction to the Low Pay Commission suggests the government wish to keep downward pressure on the national minimum wage - already too little to live on.
Resisting Shock Therapy
21 March 2013
By John Medhurst
The UK now has an extreme right-wing government that aims to transfer most of our public services to the private sector, using a variety of commissioning models and hybrid schemes to disguise a massive programme of privatisation.
Workplace Issues: learning from the front line
21 March 2013
By Roger Jeary
Roger Jeary reports on the IER's latest conference - Workplace issues: learning from the frontline.
Lies, farce and obfuscation: The government's new approach to consultation
14 March 2013
By Sarah Glenister, IER staff
The government's new approach to consultation, which the Institute of Employment Rights has criticised as an ideologically driven attempt to limit oppositional voices, was debated in the Lords on Monday (March 11th), revealing what appears to be a foundation of deception, trickery and deliberate avoidance of public opinion from the Tory-led Coalition.
No independent review and no call for evidence on government's new two-week consultations
07 March 2013
By Sarah Glenister, IER staff
The government has refused to consult the public on measures that could severely limit oppositional voices.
The Coalition is putting already vulnerable whistleblowers in an even worse situation with its ERR Bill
06 March 2013
By Catherine Hobby, Senior Lecturer, School of Law & Social Sciences, University of East London
The deaths and neglect at Mid-Staffordshire hospitals have revealed the very real risks to the public of preventing whistleblowers from speaking out, but the Coalition's Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Bill will make employees even less likely to take action when they see dangerous conditions at work.
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