Dystopia in the UK: Killing local public services
16 January 2013
By John Medhurst
The cuts to local government funding are forcing employees into private sector jobs, where terms and conditions lean too far toward the employer and trade unions may not even be recognised. Meanwhile, public services that make life bearable for most of us are being taken away.
Profit will be put over people in the workplace
20 December 2012
Sarah Glenister, IER staff
The second in a series of articles using the Coalition Timeline to look at the various ways the Coalition has attacked workers' rights in the last two and a half years.
Ministers Resent Equality Laws
20 December 2012
By Sarah Glenister, IER staff
The first in a series of articles using the Coalition Timeline to look at the various ways the Coalition has attacked workers' rights in the last two and a half years.
What has the Coalition Timeline taught us so far?
20 December 2012
Earlier this year, the IER launched our interactive resource, the Coalition Timeline, to record government proposals, backbench whispers, u-turns and policies that attack employment rights and trade unions. We are around halfway through the Coalition (let's hope!), so what has the Coalition Timeline taught us so far?
How the UK’s weak labour laws leave UK workers more vulnerable than those in Greece
20 December 2012
By Sarah Glenister, IER staff
The failure of the UK to ratify an international protocol has left British workers and trade unions in a position potentially more vulnerable than those in long-suffering Greece.
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