
Events - More Information

Who should attend?

Conferences will be of great interest to trade unionists, employment lawyers, personnel specialists, academics, students, and those concerned with the development of public policy.

Seminar Papers: TUPE Update - Your Questions Answered

Tuesday 28 June 2011 / Tuesday 12 July 2011

NUT Hamilton House, London / Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool

TUPE Update conferences were held in London and Liverpool in June and July, featuring a panel of expert speakers who provided both practical hints and tips as well as an overview of the TUPE Regulations and when and how they apply.

London: TUPE Updated 2011 - Your Questions Answered

Tuesday 28th June 2011 9.45am to 3.300pm

The Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations, known as the TUPE Regulations, govern how workers are treated following the transfer of a business or a change in service provision. The original aim of the Regulations was to strengthen the rights of workers involved in transfers, providing them with continuity of employment and the same terms and conditions. But, 30 years after their introduction, the TUPE Regulations remain one of the more complex and difficult areas of employment law.

NW: TUPE Update 2011 - Your Questions Answered


Tuesday 28 June 2011

A one day conference
Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool

Another busy conference in Liverpool, packed with detailed information on all aspects of TUPE transfers. The speakers platform included lawyers and trade union practitioners who were able to answer a broad range of questions from the floor.

Seminar Papers: NW Equalities - A Changing Workplace?

Tuesday 10 May 2011

Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool

This North West Equality event considered a number of aspects of equality including equal pay and the gender pay gap, race equality, migrant rights and experiences of equality at work from the shop floor.

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