
NW: Equalities - A Changing Workplace?

10/05/2011 09:30

Tuesday 10 May 2011

A one day conference
Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool

The conference brings leading equality campaigners together with experts from the law, trade unions, academia, and the Equality and Human Rights Commission to offer delegates an informed and sympathetic understanding of the Equality Act.

NW TUPE Update 2011: Your questions answered

12/07/2011 09:45
12/07/2011 15:30
  1. See flyer
  2. Download an emailable booking form here
  3. Book and pay for your place now

about the conference

The Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations, known as the TUPE Regulations, govern how workers are treated following the transfer of a business or a change in service provision. The original aim of the Regulations was to strengthen the rights of workers involved in transfers, providing them with continuity of employment and the same terms and conditions. But, 30 years after their introduction, the TUPE Regulations remain one of the more complex and difficult areas of employment law.

Len McCluskey & Sally Hunt 'In Conversation'

26/05/2011 18:30
26/05/2011 20:30

Thursday 26 May 2011

In association with the Haldane Society

6.30pm, TUC Congress House, London

This second ‘In Conversation’ is a result of what we all hope will become an annual collaboration between The Institute of Employment Rights, The Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers and the TUC

Workers’ rights v Employers’ Charter: What now for employment law?


Workers’ rights v employers’ charter: What now for employment law?
A one-day conference
MONDAY 16th May 2011
9:30AM to 4:15PM, NUT Hamilton House, Mabledon Place, LONDON WC1H 9BD

  1. Book and pay for your place now

Workers’ rights v employers' charter: What now for employment law?


9:30AM to 4:15PM, MONDAY
16th May 2011
NUT Hamilton House, Mabledon
Speakers include: Prof Keith Ewing; other
speakers from the UK’s unions TBC
The conference will focus on: the
controversial dispute resolution
consultation, public sector reform and
future prospects for employment law.
Cost: £75 Subscribers and members;
£90 trade unions; £220 Commercial

Seminar Papers: Equal Pay Act at 40

Wednesday 23 February 2011


The Equal Pay Act at 40 conference focussed on the implications of 40 years of the Equal Pay Act, how such legislation has been incorporated into the Equality Act the implications of the most recent casework and the broader ramifications of unequal pay still marring our workplaces.

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