
Peers amend Trade Union Bill to be less punitive to unions

05 February 2016

Further amendments have been made to the Trade Union Bill across parties, with the intention largely to weaken legislation that would be overly punitive toward trade unions.

Labour peers press govt to halve ballot thresholds in public services

03 February 2016

Lords Mendelsohn and Collins of Highbury have proposed an amendment to the Trade Union Bill to halve the support threshold for industrial action ballots in "important" public services from 40% to 20%.

Labour peers propose e-balloting & uphold international standards in Trade Union Bill

02 February 2016

Labour peers have proposed new amendments to the Trade Union Bill to introduce e-balloting for trade unions and uphold international standards in the definition of “essential” public services.

Baroness Donaghy amends against 2-week notice period for industrial action

01 February 2016

Labour peer Baroness Donaghy has proposed an amendment to the Trade Union Bill to fight back against legislation to double the notice period trade unions have to give employers of industrial action.

Tory peer backs e-balloting and check-off for trade unions

29 January 2016

Lord Balfe today proposed amendments to the Trade Union Bill to permit trade unions to use electronic voting systems in strike ballots and to retain the check-off practice in the public sector.

Welsh Assembly votes against Trade Union Bill proposals

28 January 2016

The Welsh Assembly this week voted against giving consent to Westminster to legislate for the 40% support threshold on strike ballots, additional regulation around facility time, and the removal of 'check-off' arrangements in the Welsh public sector.

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