
IER briefing reveals how international law is being eclipsed by corporate interests across the EU

20 January 2016

In a new briefing from the Institute of Employment Rights, Professor Keith Ewing and John Hendy QC examine how there is a "severe tension at the heart of the neo-liberal project", which leads to international law being eclipsed by corporate interests.

Will EU settlement allow transnational corporations to sue UK for policies they don't like?

19 January 2016

Roger Godsiff, MP for Birmingham Hall green, is set to ask the Conservative government if it continues to support the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) trade deal – part of a proposed EU settlement – in the light of breaking news that the US government is being sued by a Canadian infrastructure company for rejecting a pipeline that was to bring Canadian tar sands oil down through the US.

Lord Monks amends Trade Union Bill to remove dangerous statutory instrument

19 January 2016

Lord Monks has proposed an amendment to the Trade Union Bill to remove a dangerous statutory instrument, which would allow the Secretary of State to treat any organisation or worker funded wholly or partly from public funds and that performs functions that could be considered to be "of a public nature" to be treated as a "public service" with the regard to the Bill's restrictions on the check-off system.

SPRING RALLY: The Trade Union Bill and Beyond - Fighting the Anti-Union Laws

15 January 2016

Please see poster below for details of our Spring Rally in conjunction with the Campaign for Trade Union Freedom. The event is free and we hope to see you there!

Lords' proposed amendments to Trade Union Bill

15 January 2016

The Lords has proposed amendments to the Trade Union Bill to reduce the impact on trade unions, the most significant of which include:

Do the Lords have the stomach to fight the Trade Union Bill?

11 January 2016

By John Hendy QC and Professor Keith Ewing, Chair and President of the IER

Today marks the House of Lords coming to grips with the government’s Trade Union Bill. The trade unions are campaigning to ‘Kill the Bill’ just as they did with the Conservatives’ Industrial Relations Bill 35 years ago, when Ted Heath was Prime Minister.

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