
Minimum wage to increase, minimally

18 March 2015

The minimum wage will increase to £6.70 this October, a rise of 3%.

Responses to the Budget

18 March 2015

George Osbourne has delivered his sixth budget

News Brief 13 March 2015

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By Claudia O’Brian

TUC: Women need collective bargaining

13 March 2015

This week is TUC women’s conference 2015. Follow the debate on twitter #TUCwomen2015.

Frances Maude makes 'pointless' union-bashing statement in Commons

13 March 2015

In parliament this week Union-basher Frances Maude repeated his moves to cut trade union facility time and abolish check-off ‘for no reason’.

Farage: UKIP would abolish discrimination legislation

12 March 2015

Farage indicated that UKIP would scrap much of the legislation designed to prevent racial discrimination at work. He was speaking in a Channel 4 documentary which will air next week.

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