
ONS Employment figures

19 February 2015

Another quarter, another ONS employment figures release. Comparing the October to December quarter to July to September, employment rose slightly and unemployment fell slightly.

Fair Pay Fortnight

19 February 2015

TUC’s Fair Pay Fortnight: 16 February – March 1

NEW: You Tube clip of Ewing & Hendy

18 February 2015

It’s official. UK workers need a pay rise. Thank you Mr Cameron for your belated words of wisdom!

But Cameron’s outburst is no more than the Bullingdon Boy’s equivalent of saying, ‘let them eat cake’. Cameron is so far removed from the people he allegedly represents that he cannot see the problems let alone the solutions.

Defend the right to strike

16 February 2015

18 February 2015 has been designated by the International Trade Union Confederation as a global day of action in defence of the right to strike. In the UK, Early Day Motion 802 has been tabled in the House of Commons in support of the global day of action and against threats by the UK government to further weaken the right to strike in the UK.

News Brief 13 February

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By Claudia O’Brian

Work experience off limits for many young workers

13 February 2015

Young people are facing a postcode lottery in gaining work experience – with some parts of the UK twice as likely to offer work experience as others.

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