
Miliband pledges to double length of paternity leave

13 February 2015

Under the plans, fathers would be offered four weeks off work at £260 per week.

David Cameron calls for workers to get a pay rise

12 February 2015

Echoing the language of the TUC, David Cameron urged business leaders to “give Britain a pay rise” on Tuesday (10 February).

Firefighters will stage 24 hour strike

12 February 2015

The Fire Brigades Union (FBU) has announced a further 24-hour strike over pensions.

Report on whistleblowing in the NHS published

12 February 2015

The findings of a review into NHS whistleblowing have been published.

Smith v Carillion case at Court of Appeal

5 February 2015

The Court of Appeal is ruling on whether the blacklisting of engineer Dave Smith was a breach of the European Convention on Human Rights (EHCR).

The Government has "no immediate plans to incorporate caste into legislation”

5 February 2015

In the House of Lords this Monday (February 2), Lord Averbury asked the government “what is the timetable for implementing the legislation to incorporate caste as a protected characteristic under the Equality Act 2010”…

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