
TUC: 2 in 3 agency workers under 30 are looking for permanent jobs

11 December

TUC analysis of official statistics has shown that 81 per cent of temporary agency workers aged 20–24, and 64 per cent of those aged 25–29, say they are in temporary work because they cannot find a permanent job.

Union will take legal action over Ricky Matthews

11 December

The Firebrigades Union (FBU) has said it will challenge the dismissal of Ricky Matthews, an FBU executive who was sacked by the Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes Fire Service for participating in a lawful strike.

News Brief 5 December

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By Claudia O’Brian

Pregnant women still face severe discrimination at work

5 December 2014

A report published by the TUC shows that attitudes at work are still incredibly regressive, with the sacking, bullying and sidelining of pregnant women commonplace.

Low-wage economy is wrecking deficit-reduction

5 Dec 2014

The government is collecting £17bn less in income tax than was predicted by the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR), the government’s independent forecaster.

Spending cuts will change state “beyond recognition”, says IFS

5 Dec 2014

The Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) has released its analysis of Osborne’s autumn statement. Paul Johnson, Institute for Fiscal Studies director: ‘‘We are looking at massive cuts in public services’’.

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