
Workers win groundbreaking holiday pay case

4 November 2014

A groundbreaking case at the Employment Appeal Tribunal has been won, ruling that overtime should be included in holiday pay calculations.

News Brief 31 October

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By Claudia O’Brian

Tories chase Ukip in anti-migrant rhetoric

31 October 2014

Defence secretary Michael Fallon has said that British towns are “swamped” by immigrants. The comments come as the Tories panic over the threat of UKIP. Fallon said that some UK towns were “under siege” from “huge numbers” of migrants, an echo of previous discourses on migration.

TUC: Cameron must condemn treatment of workers in Qatar

31 October 2014

In an open letter to David Cameron, the TUC has urged him to act over the “modern slavery” occurring in Qatar.

Probation union Napo takes legal action against privatisation

30 October 2014

Napo is launching a judicial review into the privatisation of probation services in England in Wales. The union says the move will put the safety of staff and the public at risk.

Tebbit: Make unemployed pull up ragwort

30 October 2014

Former Tory cabinet minister Lord Norman Tebbit has come out in support of forced labour for the unemployed.

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