
Carney’s speech to TUC Congress

12 September 2014

The bank of England’s governor told TUC Congress that interests rates were likely to rise before wages do, in his address on Tuesday (9/9).

EU-Canada trade deal underway

12 September 2014

As TTIP, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, attracts public attention and public outcry, a similar trade deal with Canada is currently underway.

TUC in ‘outright opposition’ to TTIP, as public outrage mounts

11 September 2014

The proposed US-EU trade agreement, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) will include the NHS, trade minister Lord Livingston confirmed earlier this month, despite having promised the contrary.

71% drop in Employment Tribunal claims

11 September 2014

The Ministry of Justice has this morning released quarterly tribunal statistics (Apr - Jun 2014) revealing a 71% drop in Employment Tribunal claims, compared to the same period in 2013. 

Underemployment hits 3.4 million

5 September 2014

Underemployment – those in work but wanting more hours – has risen by 432,000 under the coalition government, with an increase of 100,000 over the last two years. The number of self-employed citing underemployment has risen most sharply.

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