
G4S costs the taxpayer millions by failing to respect workers’ rights

25 July 2012

The IER asks why G4S tried to fill 10,400 roles with a deal so poor for workers that Locog does not even expect the guards to turn up for duty.

Govt launches attack on trade unions with proposed cuts to facility time

17 July 2012

The government has unleashed a fresh attack on trade unions with the launch of a new consultation into facility time for civil servants.

Govt puts ideology first with new employment tribunal fees

13 June 2012

The Ministry of Justice has published the results of its consultation on the introduction of fees in employment tribunals. You can read the press release, but I recommend reading the Conclusion at pages 60 and 61 of the full response.

Controlling Fat Cat Pay

20 June 2012

Statutory places for worker reps on remuneration committees would be a far more effective way to control executive pay, says IER.

Government progress report on implemention of Lofstedt

19 June 2012

Action to implement the Löfstedt recommendations is progressing well according to a review published by the government on 19th June 2012.

IER to expose problems with Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Bill

13 June 2012

The Institute of Employment Rights (IER) will respond to the government’s call for evidence on the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform bill, which threatens to make Britain’s workers more vulnerable.

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