
Government's response to blacklisting consultation is disgraceful

10 December 2009

Keith Ewing, IER President

Earlier this year the government lifted the spirits of many people when it appeared willing to do the decent thing, announcing that it would introduce laws to put an end to the blacklisting of trade unionists.

IER Parliamentary Launch - Ruined Lives: Blacklisting in the UK Construction Industry

20 October 2009

MPs To Increase Efforts To Strengthen Blacklisting Measures

A group of Labour MPs have agreed to work with construction union UCATT to pressurise the Government to strengthen the draft regulations designed to outlaw blacklisting.

The MPs agreed to take this action at the parliamentary launch on 20th October 2009 of Ruined Lives: Blacklisting in the UK Construction Industry an academic report which reveals that the Government’s proposed anti-blacklisting regulations are inadequate.

Trade Union Rights are Human Rights

IER reminds Joint Committee that trade union rights are fundamental human rights recognised in international law

On 9th June 2009, Professor Keith Ewing (IER President) and John Hendy, QC (IER Chairman)presented oral evidence on behalf of IER to the Joint Committee on Human Rights.

Watch the oral evidence (second half of the video). The written submission will be available following the publication of the Committee’s Report.

Remit of the 2009 Inquiry of the Joint Committee

Power to the Workers!

3 February 2009

Keith Ewing, President of IER

Politicians need to address the contradictions and stupidity of the Posted Workers’ Directive and recent European Court of Justice decisions. If not, current expressions of discontent will continue to boil over as the recession deepens.

Yes to a Referendum?

1 April 2008

As the debate on the European Reform Treaty enters the House of Lords, Bill Wedderburn, QC – an ex-President of the Institute of Employment Rights -offers his informed opinion on the Reform Treaty, the draft Constitution and the need for a referendum.

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