
English teachers: longer hours, less pay, more stress & less training than overseas peers

10 October 2016

Teachers in England put in longer hours than their peers in the vast majority of other OECD countries for less pay, but this does not go towards have extra time with students.

More women join civil service, yet gender pay gap rises

07 October 2016

The latest figures from the Office for National Statistics shows that more women work in the civil service than men, and that the female share of the workforce is increasing, but despite this the gender pay gap in the sector appears to have risen above the national average.

UK productivity gap stuck at record widest point, driven by lower paid jobs and lack of work hours

06 October 2016

The productivity gap between the UK and the rest of the G7 remains at its widest on record, according to the latest Office for National Statistics report.

Tories blame migrants for workers' struggles they helped to create

05 October 2016

Leading Tory MPs have taken a strong line against migrant workers at this year's Conservative Party conference, a direction of policy that has not only been criticised for xenophobic undertones and illogicity, but is all the more astounding in light of a new report implicating the language of Tory politicians in racist attacks.

Hunt: I'll sack foreign doctors then fine British ones if they try to leave

04 October 2016

Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt has announced a new policy that could serve to lock junior doctors into a highly contested contract that has led to several widespread strikes among clinical staff.

One in ten has been disciplined or dismissed for mental ill health, research shows

04 October 2016

One in ten employees who have experienced poor mental health were subject to disciplinary action and even dismissal from the workplace as a result, new research shows.

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