
IER Labour Party fringe, Monday 26th September, 12:30pm Hall 3A, Liverpool ACC

Why not come to our fringe meeting at this years Labour Party annual conference? The fringe theme will be around our Manifesto for Labour Law. It will be held at 12:30pm on Monday 26th September in Hall 3A within Liverpool ACC.

Bonuses hit record high

16 September 2016

Total bonus payments hit a record high this year, rising 4.4% compared with last year.

Workers' rights will only get worse with free trade deals, IER Pres warns govt Committee

15 September 2016

President of the Institute of Employment Rights Professor Keith Ewing has warned that the UK is not adequately assessing whether it adheres to the International Labor Organisation's (ILO) four core principles – freedom of association, no discrimination, no child labour, and no forced labour – and that the situation can only get worse with free trade deals made after the UK leaves the EU.

Oxfam points finger at exploitative employers as major cause of "shocking" inequality

15 September 2016

Oxfam has called on the government to protect workers' rights in order to reduce "shocking" inequality in the UK.

REVIEW: The ‘Manifesto for Labour Law’: an idea whose time is coming

13 September 2016

By Trade Union Futures

It must have seemed a lonely furrow at times. For years now, the Institute of Employment Rights has been the go-to source of expertise and thought on workers rights for the left in the trade union movement. But successive New Labour governments showed themselves to be profoundly uninterested in tackling the iniquities of Britain’s labour market, preferring to wish them away with utopian fantasies about the knowledge economy. The Coalition and its Tory successor of course have launched a further frontal attack on the few rights and protections left to organised labour. But such has been the electrifying power of the left revival around Jeremy Corbyn that suddenly, the issue of workers rights is back on the agenda. Even Corbyn’s ‘moderate’ opponent Owen Smith declares himself in favour of collective bargaining now and suddenly the IER finds itself in possession of the appropriate ideas for the moment.

Corbyn team reiterates support for IER Manifesto

13 September 2016

At a TUC Congress fringe event held by the Institute of Employment Rights (IER) on Sunday, two leading members of Jeremy Corbyn's team reiterated their support for the Manifesto for Labour Law – 25 policy proposals for reshaping workers' rights under the next Labour government.

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