Age Discrimination in Employment
By Malcolm Sargeant
November 1999
In 1999 the government introduced a Code of Practice on Age Discrimination in Employment. The aim of the Code is to introduce good practice into employers’ policies on recruitment, selection, promotion, training, redundancy and retirement. It is argued that when 12% of employers feel that people aged 30 are too old to employ, and another 25% believe 50 is too old then some form of protection against discrimination is required.
This booklet highlights the way age discrimination manifests itself, it outlines why a policy on age discrimination is needed and considers the possibility of future civil implications emanating from Europe. It goes on to consider the process by which government policy developed and outlines the main proposals contained in the Code of Practice. Finally the report argues that a voluntary code, while welcome, is not enough and puts forward a case for full statutory protection through legislation.
Age Discrimination in Employment by Malcolm Sargeant; A5; 48pp; ISBN 1 873271 69 7;Buy the book
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