Equality Publications

Equality Act 2010

By Aileen McColgan

Published in October 2011

One of the aims of the Equality Act 2010 was to streamline the mass of discrimination legislation built up over recent decades. And, as Aileen McColgan, the author of the report notes, the consolidating and rationalising functions of the Act are to be welcomed. However, she goes on to comment that some "oddities" remain and, more fundamentally, that the Act was a disappointment to those who hoped for a radical shift away from the individually focused provisions it replaced.



On Track with Diversity: 2019 edition

By Nadia Motraghi & Ijeoma Omambala

Published June 2019

In this report the authors, Nadia Motraghi and Ijeoma Omambala, two lawyers specialising in equality and diversity laws and practices from Old Square Chambers, review and analyse the current rail workforce to discover how representative it is of the population it serves, and make recommendations for improvement.

On Track With Diversity 2012

By Muriel Robison

Published in May 2012

ASLEF has a genuine commitment to the implementation or equal opportuntities in the railway industry. However, it is apparent that among train drivers in Britain, most of whom are ASLEF members, the vast majority are white, male and middle-aged.

Federation News: Enforcement Issues

Edited by Steve Gibbons

Published in August 2009

This edition brings together an excellent range of issues highlighting the problems associated with the enforcement of rights at work.

Agency and Migrant Workers

By Dr Sonia McKay

Published in July 2009

Agency working is high on the political agenda. A draft European directive means that the UK will have to introduce a new law to give a right to no less favourable treatment for agency workers, compared to directly employed workers.

Agency work is also the subject of political debate, due to the poor terms and conditions that many agency workers experience, particularly those in low paying jobs and significantly where they are migrant workers. For this reason a publication on agency work and migrants is timely.



Equal Pay, Privatisation and Procurement

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By Margie Jaffe, Bronwyn McKenna & Liane Venner

Published in August 2008

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