Federation News Publications

Federation News Spring 2012: Meeting the Challenges of Age

Published in June 2012

Now on Special Offer

This edition of Federation News focuses on the issues challenging trade unions in relation to the extreme ends of the age spectrum, both in the workplace and within unions themselves. At one end of the spectrum we have mass youth unemployment and deskilling, while at the other, poverty or blatant exploitation of the elderly. Both have to be challenged. We should fous our sights once again on the compatibility of a full employment economy and a reduced retirement age with a comfortable pension.

Federation News Spring 2011: Private Enterprise in Public Services

May 2011

The language of "enterprise" has once again come to dominate British society. This enterprise crusade - a throwback to the Thatcherite political ideology of the 1980's - has been launched in the hope of providing moral and economic justification for unprecedented cuts in the public sector.

Federation News: Trade Union Responses to Coalition Cuts

Executive Editor Roger Seifert

Published in August 2010

Since 2008 a crisis of the private, unregulated financial sector has been portrayed by politians and the media as a crisis of public expenditure, with subsequent attacks on the pay and conditions of public sector workers.

The nature of the coalition policies of the "big society" and the "small state" are neoliberal style programmes aimed at privatising more state functions, removing democratic accountability from those that remain and pushing costs of services onto individuals, families and communities.

Federation News: The Politics of Pensions

Edited by Carolyn Jones

Published in May 2010

As the ConDem Coalition announces its priority programme of cuts, the Institute of Employment Rights and the General Federation of Trade Unions have together published a series of essays exploring the Politics of Pensions.

In an introductory Editorial, Carolyn Jones, Director of the Institute says: “The ConDem coalition is not the progressive outcome trade unionists would have liked. But the Coalition does not have a mandate for the programme of swingeing cuts in public services, pay and pensions proposed by the Conservatives in their pre-election statements”.

Federation News: Enforcement Issues

Edited by Steve Gibbons

Published in August 2009

This edition brings together an excellent range of issues highlighting the problems associated with the enforcement of rights at work.

Federation News: Europe at a Crossroads

Executive Editors Mark Bell and Carolyn Jones

Published in August 2008

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