Federation News Publications

Federation News: The Right to Strike: A Summary

Executive Editors Keith Ewing and Carolyn Jones

Published in May 2007

The last edition of Federation News contained a series of articles from trade union General Secretaries outlining why they believe the time is right for a Trade Union Rights and Freedoms Bill. This edition takes up the same theme with a selection of essays from legal and academic experts highlighting the historical, legal and political arguments for a Bill.

Federation News: The need for a Trade Union Freedom Bill

Executive Editors Keith Ewing and Carolyn Jones

Published in October 2006

To celebrate the centenary of the introduction of the Trade Disputes Act 1906, this edition of Federation News is dedicated to the 2006 campaign for a new Trade Union Freedom Bill. Six general secretaries of unions representing nearly 4 million workers, outline why they believe restrictive trade union laws should be replaced by positive trade union freedoms.

What is the Warwick Agreement?

Edited by Carolyn Jones

Published in January 2005

As we approach the next general election, the Institute of Employment Rights has what trade unions expect to see in a third term Labour Party manifesto. With no less than 6 trade union General Secretaries contributing to the report, it is perhaps the most up to date and informed document on what is commonly referred to as the Warwick Agreement – an accord reached between new Labour and the unions on a future policy programme.


Federation News: Trade Unions and Society: Delivering Fairness, Social Justice, Peace and Equality

Edited by Andrew Harvey and Carolyn Jones

Published in September 2003

This edition of Federation News focuses on the added benefits unions bring to the workplace, to the community, to the economy and to society at large. The breadth of issue covered in this edition, reflects the variety of ways in which unions can and do work with their members to offer a better vision of society.

Federation News - Protecting and Promoting International Labour Standards

Edited by John Hendy and Carolyn Jones

Published in May 2003

There could surely not be a more appropriate time to consider how best to promote, protect and extend international law than now amidst the anguish of war. This edition of Federation News focuses specifically on standards relating to the rights of trade unions and their members.

John Hendy, QC begins by highlighting the UK’s shameful defiance of international standards. He argues that such behaviour should not simply be seen as an item for discussion at trade union education courses. Rather recognising and upholding international standards should form the central argument for repealing and replacing the worst aspects of UK laws. He puts forward a number of strategies for improving the situation, both at national and international level and urges trade unions to pursue them all.

Federation News Autumn 2001: The TUC Edition

Edited by Michael Bradley, with executive editors Keith Ewing and Carolyn Jones

Published in Autumn 2001

In this issue of Federation News, contributors examine trade union law, including an article from IER President Professor Keith Ewing, who discusses the implications of the Certification Officer's refusal to grant a certificate of independence to the News International Staff Association.

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