Tim Roache: Politics is in a state of flux, we must be ready with an alternative
09 November 2016
By Tim Roache, General Secretary of GMB
General Secretary of the GMB Tim Roache spoke at the Class think tank Britain at a Crossroads conference on Saturday (05 November 2016). His full speech, below (and originally published by the Morning Star), identifies the need for an alternative to austerity following the British people's rejection of current economic policy via the Brexit vote.
Tim Roache is one of the many supporters of our proposals for a progressive alternative, the Manifesto for Labour Law, which he described as an "excellent contribution" to a much-needed discussion on workers' rights.
Len McCluskey: the free movement of labour is a class question
08 November 2016
By Len McCluskey, General Secretary of UNITE
At the 2016 conference of think tank Class - Britain at a Crossroads - General Secretary of UNITE Len McCluskey gave a speech advocating that the labour movement takes seriously the concerns of working class people about immigration. He recommended proposals to safeguard jobs and communities rather than bans on free movement of labour.
At the heart of his recommendations was the need for sectoral collective bargaining, in keeping with the proposals drawn up in the Institute of Employment Rights' Manifesto for Labour Law, for which Len McCluskey has already announced his strong support.
His full speech to the Class Conference is below
Health and Safety Update 2016: London
02 November 2016
By Andrew Moretta, World of Work PhD student, The University of Liverpool
Andrew Moretta, a delegate at the Institute of Employment Rights' Health and Safety Update 2016 conference in London on October 18 2016 reports on what he took away from the event.
How much 'Better' can 'Better Regulation' get?
14 October 2016
Steve Tombs, Professor of Criminology, The Open University
This week, the Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee published an evaluation of the Better Regulation initiative. The Government, it stated, “has set a target to reduce the cost to business of regulation by £10 billion between 2015 and 2020. So far it has achieved less than £1 billion”. In other words, ‘Better Regulation’ must do better.
Delivering rights in the modern world of work
14 October 2016
By Joy Johnson, UNITE Political Team
Become a Deliveroo rider and "pick up a ton of perks to sweeten the deal, like discounts with Apple and Vue Cinema on top of your self-employed sixteen pound an hour depending on location". Click on Deliveroo, the online restaurant delivery service website, and this is what the platform offers as inducements to entice young, fit "superstar cycle and scooter riders" to join the 'Roo'.
The Tolpuddle Tree
20 September 2016
By Martin Smith, GMB National Organiser
The labour market faces massive changes in the next ten years – laying down a challenge to the trade union and labour movement to adapt to the new needs and aspirations of working people by developing new forms of collective organisation, campaigning and action.
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