A Letter From London To Our French Comrades
10 June 2016
By John Hendy QC and Professor Keith Ewing
FRENCH workers are now engaged in a historic struggle in defence of their rights. The struggle is international, as workers and trade unions face the neoliberal onslaught rolling back generations of achievement.
Irish Unions help regain lost ground
10 June 2016
By Dr Eugene Hickland and Professor Tony Dundon
The Celtic tiger is dead … social partnership has collapsed … the Troika have been and gone … a new coalition government struggle to coexist amidst the aftermath of crisis and uncertainty. Despite these challenges, trade unions show remarkable resilience and a capacity for continuity in bargaining for their members and helping to protect some of the most vulnerable in society.
Troika-imposed neoliberalism undermines basic employment rights in Romania
23 May 2016
By Dr Aurora Trif, Lecturer in Human Resources Management, Dublin City University
In the second of our series of blogs detailing how the Troika has helped to spread the neoliberalist agenda across the EU, including in its diminishing of trade union powers, Dr Aurora Trif takes a detailed look at how the decentralisation of collective bargaining has affected wages and employment rights in Romania.
Human Rights vs. Bill of Rights: What’s in it for the workers?
23 May 2016
By Bob Kelly
With impeccable timing, the Institute of Employment Rights (IER) held a conference on the issue of the Human Rights Act, a day after it was briefly mentioned in the Queen’s Speech. The conference chair, Carolyn Jones, recited the sentence with an attempt at an impression that came out sounding more like the Queen of Kirkby than a rich aristocrat! After Carolyn’s otherwise excellent introduction the conference speakers fell into two camps. Two speakers gave us a legal background to aspects of Human Rights Law and three speakers who, as well as some legal aspects, gave us their view of the political context in which the law exists.
British people on corruption in their own country: it’s far from squeaky clean
19 May 2016
By David Whyte and David Ellis, University of Liverpool
On the eve of a major international anti-corruption summit hosted by the British government, the prime minister, David Cameron, was caught on a microphone bragging to the Queen that “we’ve got some leaders of some fantastically corrupt countries coming”, including “Nigeria and Afghanistan, possibly the two most corrupt countries in the world”.
Remain or Leave - trade deals still pose major threats to workers
12 May 2016
By Adrian Weir, Assistant Chief of Staff, Unite the Union
The cat is out of the bag – the publication last week of the LSE report on the Investor State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) provisions within the Transatlantic Trade & Investment Partnership (TTIP) commissioned by the Government has concluded that there’s nothing in for the UK.
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