
Now is the time to fight for a new deal for workers

15 September

By Tony Burke, Assistant General Secretary, UNITE

Below is a video of, and the full text for, Tony Burke's speech in favour of Composite Motion 16 at TUC Congress, which supported the repeal of the Trade Union Act and called for a new framework for workers' rights.

Britain’s Workers Feel Stressed And Insecure

13 September 2016

By Carolyn Jones, Director, Institute of Employment Rights

BRITAIN’S 31 million workers are among the most insecure, stressed and unhappiest in Europe.

No wonder! According to the latest report by the Institute of Employment Rights (IER), the evidence is damning.

Byron Hamburgers: When employers fail to do right by migrant employees

16 August 2016

By Don Flynn, Director of the Migrants' Rights Network (MRN)

What else could Byron’s have done? The social media world was awash with attempted defences of the hamburger chain after it collaborated in the arrest of 35 of its migrant workers earlier in July. Our answer is they didn’t have to go along with the shabby act of entrapment of its staff, and they could have done so much more to push back against punitive, anti-worker rules.

The neo-liberal reform of collective bargaining in Spain: its consequences for social dialogue

Miguel Martínez Lucio
Miguel Martínez Lucio

10 August 2016

By Carlos J Fernández Rodríguez, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain; Rafael Ibáñez Rojo, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain; and Miguel Martínez Lucio, The University of Manchester, UK

The latest in our EU Comparative Series

This briefing outlines some of the key industrial relations issues in Spain in the light of the major legal reforms since the start of the crisis in 2008, pushed by the Troika and mainly enacted by the right-wing Popular Party (PP) (2011-15) – as well as to an extent the previous Socialist Party (PSOE) in its final years in power (08-11).

Public sector cuts, privatisation and employment rights

18 July 2016

By Bob Kelly

Bob, a delegate at the Institute of Employment Rights' Public Sector Cuts, Privatisation and Employment Rights conference on 05 July 2016, reports back on the event.

The Labour Act, another step in the flexibilisation of French Labour Law

14 July 2016

By Professor Sylvaine Laulom, Director of Institut d'études du travail de Lyon, the University Lumière Lyon 2

Finally, the long road towards the ‘El Khomri’ Law, named after the French Minister of Labour and officially called the ‘Labour Act’ (‘Loi Travail’), is coming to an end. A draft was accepted by the National Assembly after its second reading on July 6, following the use, for the second time, of Article 49.3 of the Constitution. It will now proceed to the Senate. At that stage, the Act should be accepted by the Parliament by the end of July. It will likely be referred to the Constitutional Council. By the end of summer, the Act is likely to have been adopted.

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