
One step forward for Shrewsbury pickets

14 December 2018

By Eileen Turnball and Carolyn Jones

In 1972, building workers across the UK took part in the first ever national strike. At that time, construction workers faced powerful, hostile employers. Lump labour (bogus self-employment) was common and health and safety measures were non-existent. At the end of the twelve-week dispute, in September 1972, they succeeded in winning the highest ever pay rise in the history of the industry.

Court gives green light for pickets to challenge CCRC

07 December 2018

By Eileen Turnbull and Harry Chadwick, Shrewsbury 24 Campaign

On Friday 9th November 2018 the Shrewsbury pickets won an important victory in their long struggle to overturn their convictions. In the Administrative Court in Birmingham, Mr Justice Jay gave permission for the pickets’ application for judicial review to proceed to a full hearing.

Teachers and headteachers consider ‘unprecedented’ joint strike over schools cuts

12 November 2018

By Sarah Glenister, National Development Officer, Institute of Employment Rights

This week, three education unions will consult their members over taking industrial action in response to last week’s budget.

Brexit, the gig economy and the rise of the machines

12 November 2018

By Sarah Glenister, National Development Officer, Institute of Employment Rights

Every autumn, for over a decade, employment law experts have gathered for the Institute of Employment Rights’ (IER’s) annual Employment Law Update — a chance to discuss the year’s developments in labour law, as well as consider future opportunities and challenges.

Bellman – more on vicarious liability

26 October 2018

By Paul Scholey and Tony Rippon, Morrish Solicitors

Bellman v Northampton Recruitment Ltd [2018] EWCA Civ 2214

Following a recruitment agency’s Christmas party, to which all employees and their partners were invited, a number of the guests including Mr Major, the Managing Director (“MD”) of the agency, and Mr Bellman, an employee of the agency and the Claimant, continued their celebrations at a hotel bar where some of the employees were staying at the agency’s expense. This was not a planned extension of the party but the agency did pay for the taxi fares to get there and the majority of drinks.

Giving 'gig' workers rights isn't radical, it would bring the UK up to international 'norms'

19 October 2018

By John Hendy QC, Professor Keith Ewing and Carolyn Jones

This week has seen 'gig' workers and people on zero-hours contracts take a stand against low pay and insecure jobs, with strikes held from Brighton to Glasgow among staff at TGI Friday's, McDonald's, Wetherspoons, Uber and Deliveroo. Joining the picket line at Leicester Square, Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell promised to meet the needs of the strikers through employment law reforms, such as rolling out sectoral collective bargaining, establishing a Ministry of Labour, and improving workers' access to trade unions.

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