
Workers on boards and 'inclusive ownership funds': How should it be written into law?

12 October 2018

By Dr Ewan McGaughey, Senior Lecturer at the School of Law, King’s College, London, and research associate at the Centre for Business Research, University of Cambridge

Democratic socialism in the 21st century must answer one critical question: who gets the votes in the economy?

Shake it up: IER agenda for health and safety reform

06 July 2018

By Phil James, Middlesex University

Too many workers and their families continue to suffer from the failure of their employing organisations to provide safe and healthy working conditions. Injuries, acute and chronic ill-health and death occur all too frequently, along with the emotional and financial costs they cause. Yet employing organisations are rarely held accountable. According to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), the majority of the associated costs are borne by those harmed, their families, and the taxpayer in benefits and health care.

Two neoliberal infernos: Grenfell, and Piper Alpha 30 years on

06 July 2018

By David Whyte, University of Liverpool

Thirty years ago today the Piper Alpha oil platform exploded and was engulfed in flames killing 167 people. Only 61 survived in in what remains the world’s worst offshore disaster.

Wage war: Delivering workplace justice through union collective bargaining

29 June 2018

By John Hendy QC, IER Chair

The sole justification for the policies of austerity inflicted on most of the peoples of the world has been that there is a structural deficit in the finances of government that must be reduced. That austerity has nearly everywhere increased those deficits came as a surprise to no-one. Indeed, austerity could have had no other consequence.

The Time Has Come for Sectoral Bargaining

By Larry Cohen, Chair of Our Revolution

It is now clear that enterprise-based organizing and bargaining in the U.S. has a dim future. U.S. workers’ collective bargaining coverage is back to early twentieth century levels, and even the Democrats’ landslide national election of 2008 produced little measurable change when it came to workers’ rights. For my union colleagues the challenge is how to focus more effectively on the 90 million workers left out of collective bargaining, realizing that more than ever the 15 million still represented by unions cannot realize major gains on their own.

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