Sarah Glenister

Workers need a voice but Taylor can’t provide it

21 March 2017

By Sarah Glenister, National Development Officer, Institute of Employment Rights

Matthew Taylor has made preliminary proposals as to how employment law could change to prevent exploitation, but in an article originally published by the Scottish Left Review, Sarah Glenister explains how without stronger trade union rights, it will not be possible for workers to stand up to unscrupulous employers.

The so-called “party of workers” shows its true colours today

01 March 2017

By Sarah Glenister, National Development Officer, Institute of Employment Rights

On taking the mantle of Prime Minister last year, Theresa May attempted to rebrand the Tories the “party of workers”. The outcome of the referendum had been widely interpreted as a battlecry from a much maligned working class. Meanwhile, a rising tide of exposes in the national press had horrified a nation by revealing Dickensian conditions at major employers like Sports Direct and Amazon.

BREXIT: How do we stand in solidarity with both migrant and UK workers at a time of great division?

16 February 2017

By Sarah Glenister, National Development Officer, Institute of Employment Rights

The future is uncertain for migrant workers in the UK as the government prepares to trigger Article 50 next month. Thus far, Theresa May has neglected to provide any assurances to the three million EU workers living in the UK that they will be able to remain in the country and in their jobs. As Jeremy Corbyn told the Guardian this week, the Tories have taken on a "hunger games approach to Brexit". "Families, jobs and homes are all in the balance," he said, accusing the Tories of "playing political games with people's lives".

Where Are The Workers In The Government’s Supposed Review Of Workers’ Rights?

08 December 2016

By Sarah Glenister, National Development Office, Institute of Employment Rights

When taking on the mantle of prime minister this summer, Theresa May attempted to rebrand the Tories as “the party of workers” and two new reviews last week ostensibly serve to back this up with action. But one key stakeholder in her apparent fight for workers’ rights is missing — workers.

Lord Freud celebrates reserve army of desperate unemployed

29 January 2014

By Sarah Glenister, IER staff

In a speech yesterday (28 January 2014) to the National Youth Employment Summit, Lord Freud celebrated the new “flexibility” of workers expected following the introduction of Universal Credit (UC).

Equality & Discrimination: What next for equal rights

23 January 2014

By Janet Newsham

Janet Newsham reports on the lessons learned from yesterday’s (22 January 2014) Equality and Discrimination conference held by the Institute of Employment Rights.

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