Sarah Glenister
Access to justice: only for the rich
19 April 2013
By Sarah Glenister, IER staff
This is the seventh and final article in our series exploring what the Coalition Timeline has taught us so far.
National Minimum Wage allowed to "wither on the vine"
12 April 2013
The sixth in a series of articles looking at what the Coalition Timeline has taught us so far, focusing on the weakening of the National Minimum Wage and other pay and benefits issues.
5 Ways Public Sector Workers are Being Exploited
10 April 2013
The Coalition's ideologically-driven ambition to shrink the state is leading to increased outsourcing in the public sector, which - alongside new government policy - is dismantling the employment rights of workers across the UK.
Public sector privatisation leads to increased exploitation of workers
08 April 2013
By Sarah Glenister, IER staff
Evidence has already emerged to show how workers are being exploited when the public sector is sold-off to private interests with only profit in mind and, shockingly, this is happening to those in front-line occupations policing our streets and caring for our health.
Lies, farce and obfuscation: The government's new approach to consultation
14 March 2013
By Sarah Glenister, IER staff
The government's new approach to consultation, which the Institute of Employment Rights has criticised as an ideologically driven attempt to limit oppositional voices, was debated in the Lords on Monday (March 11th), revealing what appears to be a foundation of deception, trickery and deliberate avoidance of public opinion from the Tory-led Coalition.
No independent review and no call for evidence on government's new two-week consultations
07 March 2013
By Sarah Glenister, IER staff
The government has refused to consult the public on measures that could severely limit oppositional voices.
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