Sarah Glenister

Is Osborne really "converted" to providing higher wages? How the left can stay ahead of Tory spin

17 January 2014

By Sarah Glenister, IER staff

The big news story today (17 January 2014) is the surprising announcement that George Osborne apparently backs raising the National Minimum Wage (NMW) to above-inflation levels.

Labour's aims could be achieved through more effective collective bargaining

By Sarah Glenister, IER Staff

14 January 2014

In the run-up to the General Election next year, the Labour Party has begun to spell out its policies, hoping – it seems – to attract voters from all classes. The Institute of Employment Rights (IER) reiterates that more effective collective bargaining on a national scale is the solution Labour is looking for to achieve its aims.

How the UK can escape becoming the "nasty country" of the EU

29 November 2013

By Sarah Glenister

László Andor, the EU employment commissioner, has warned the UK that new restrictions against migrants could see it portrayed as the "nasty country" of the EU. The Institute of Employment Rights (IER) recently conducted extensive research into labour migration and how the problems surrounding immigration can be resolved in a way that benefits all. But while the IER strongly recommends a "rights-based" model, the government continues to court controversy with plans for restrictions that aim to resolve an issue that does not exist.

Young workers should be paid at least the minimum wage (govt says while encouraging unpaid work experience for 23-year-olds)

14 November 2013

Sarah Glenister, IER Staff

The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills at first appeared to be in a state of ideological confusion this week, as it called for internships to always be paid at least the National Minimum Wage (NMW) while simultaneously encouraging the use of unpaid work experience schemes for people up to the age of 23.

Seven benefits Eastern European Migrant workers have brought to the UK

14 November 2013

Sarah Glenister, IER staff

While the right wing say immigration is a burden on our country, the IER believes migrant workers add to our economy and labour market could add more if they were better protected against exploitation.

Collective Bargaining - The Only Way To A Fairer Britain For All

13 November 2013

By Sarah Glenister, IER Staff

The IER's manifesto to restore workers' right to fight collectively points to a decent future for our country.

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