Sarah Glenister

Health and safety issues spun into myths to blind workers of danger

22 February 2013

By Sarah Glenister, IER Staff

This is the fifth in a series of articles looking at what has been learned from the Coalition Timeline so far.

Anti-union stances within the Tory party are influencing frontbench ministers

21 February 2013

By Sarah Glenister, IER staff

The fourth in a series of articles looking at what the Coalition Timeline has taught us so far.

The truth about employees' experience of their work

30 January 2013

Many workers are stressed-out, working long hours, and are employed by managers who do not feel responsible for providing a good work-life balance for their staff.

Profit will be put over people in the workplace

20 December 2012

Sarah Glenister, IER staff

The second in a series of articles using the Coalition Timeline to look at the various ways the Coalition has attacked workers' rights in the last two and a half years.

Ministers Resent Equality Laws

20 December 2012

By Sarah Glenister, IER staff

The first in a series of articles using the Coalition Timeline to look at the various ways the Coalition has attacked workers' rights in the last two and a half years.

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