
Theresa May announces remit of undercover policing enquiry

17 July 2015

Theresa May has outlined the terms of reference for the undercover policing enquiry.


16 July 2015

The Confederation of Shipbuilding & Engineering Union Conference, meeting in Southport on the day the Trade Union Bill was published, passed an emergency motion rejecting the measures contained within the Government’s Trade Union Bill. The motion is reproduced below

Large firms to be forced to publish gender pay gap

16 July 2015

Firms with over 250 employees will be required to publish the average pay of their male and female employees.

Trade Union Bill revealed

16 July 2015

The Tories have published the draft Trade Union Bill.

Pre Trade Union Bill analysis

15 July 2015

The Trade Union Bill will have its first reading in the House of Commons today (15 July 2015), when the full extent of the government’s vindictive attack on trade unions and their members will be revealed

Briefing: the Government’s proposed Trade Union Bill

13 July 2015

The proposed Trade Unions Bill, as announced in the recent Queen’s speech (27 May), will reportedly be published this Wednesday. Here, IER and CLASS have put together a Briefing Note on what we think the Bill will contain. Further Briefings will follow once we see the actual content of the Bill.

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