
“Zombie-like” ISDS lives on

26 Jun 2015

TUC General Secretary Frances O’Grady attacked the continued presence of ISDS in CETA, at European Commission Trade Policy Day in Brussels this Tuesday (23 June).

EHCR: “no option is off the table”

26 Jun 2015

On Conservative plans to leave the European Convention on Human Rights; “no option is off the table”.

Cuts to tax credits will leave families £1,690 worse off a month

25 June 2015

Cameron is planning savage cuts to tax credits which could lead working families to lose up to £1,690 a month.

Union leaders warn over EU reform negotiations

25 June 2015

The GMB has warned that trade unions will push for Britain to quit the EU if member states allow Cameron to weaken workers’ rights as part of his “reform” package, in a letter to European leaders.

Latest labour market statistics

19 June 2015

According to the Office for National Statistics, unemployment has fallen by 43,000 to 1.81 million, and wage growth at 2.7% both including and excluding bonuses, a four year high. It goes without saying that recent improvements do not make up for years of stagnation.

Pension exit fees

19 June 2015

George Osborne has said that the Treasury will investigate early exit fees as part of a consultation next month.

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