
“The right to strike makes the difference between people being workers and being slaves”

11 June 2015

Anna Soubry, the Minister for Small Business, Industry and Enterprise, dodged questions about Trade Unions and working rights in PMQs.

Blacklisted workers bribed with “derisory” compensation offers

10 June 2015

Victims in the blacklisting scandal are receiving compensation offers in a bid to persuade them drop their High Court claims.

Cameron's plans to renegotiate EU working rights.

10 June 2015

The TUC is urging Cameron to come clean about his plans for re-negotiating rights for working people set out originally under the European Social Chapter.

TTIP: Vote at EP Postponed

10 June 2015

The major TTIP vote that was due to take place this week has been postponed by the European Parliament at the last minute. The debate, due to happen at the same time, has also been postponed.

How Corrupt is Britain?

4 June 2015

A review of How Corrupt is Britain by IER Executive Committee member Professor David Whyte. This review is authored by Gwyn Griffiths and was first published in the Morning Star.

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